Andy's Fandom Adventures

The Janitor was a mute cleaner who worked at the National Museum with Andy, Jen and his boss Mrs Pickles.

He was good at keeping the museum clean and tidy however he was very clumsy and did not care about Andy and Jen's jobs, because whenever he accidentally damaged an exhibit he would just leave it, not bothering to try fix it, apologise or even cover it up.

Times the Janitor ruined exhibits

  • He once put a Argentinosaurus eggshell fossil in the bin. (Episode 1)
  • He was watering some pot plants and went to scratch his ear, spilling water over some Nothrotheriops dung and he put fertiliser on it because it started smelling. (Episode 4)
  • After Andy stepped in his bucket of water, they both spilt it on the laptop losing the copy of the Paraceratherium footprint. The Janitor then proceeded to wipe down the aptop with his sponge. (Episode 6)
  • He once tried eating Andy's model fig but spat it out and left it. (Episode 8)
  • He used some pressed flower paper to blow his nose. (Episode 9)
  • He recorded himself dancing with a videocamera deleting Jen's Centrosaurus video. (Episode 12)
  • He broke a replica Ankylosaur club by trying to swat a fly with it. (Episode 13)
  • He used a Gigantoraptor feather to dust, because he broke his featherduster. (Episode 14)
  • He vacuumed some hair of of an Australopithecus model, making it bald. (Episode 15)
  • He polished a green Gastornis model egg, rubbing the paint off making it white again. (Episode 16)

He also nearly ruined Mrs Pickles painting of an Ophthalmosaurus by polishing it with spray and a cloth but luckily Andy stopped him. (Episode 5)
